We always thought essential oils were just lovely things that made our studio smell nice.  We had no idea of their therapeutic benefits and innumerable uses at first. Over the past eight years, we have developed a love affair with doTERRA essential oils.

doTERRA are the world’s leading essential oil company. They source indigenously grown oils that are not only the purest and most potent but are safe and effective tools for creating vibrant health and wellbeing.

Essential oils became an accidental but integral part of Sense of Space.  We love running Aromatherapy Pilates classes for our clients. We use these beautiful oils to uplift our moods and emotions, or to calm and relax ourselves and our children. We sleep better, are less stressed and experience vibrant health and wellbeing daily. We have gotten rid of chemical based, toxic cleaning products and now clean our homes with beautifully smelling natural products that really work and cost literally cents to make! Our homes and bodies smell amazing!

We love educating and supporting others so they too can experience how these beautiful oils can change their lives. We hold regular workshops to teach people how to:

  • treat common symptoms without experiencing side effects from medications,

  • clean their family home cheaply without exposing anyone to nasty chemicals,

  • help manage their stress & anxiety and to sleep better,

  • make their own natural products using essential oils and other natural non-toxic ingredients,

  • incorporate essential oils into their yoga and pilates practice, their work and everyday life to enhance their wellness,

  • create their own essential oils business.

We offer free 30 minute phone consultations for anyone interested in using essential oils to improve their health and wellbeing.  That way we can:

  • provide you with samples tailored to your health goals

  • let you know of any monthly promotions that you may be eligible for, and

  • help you open a wholesale account so that you can purchase your oils at cost prices, like we do.

To book yours, please contact us at gemma@senseofspace.com.au.

Getting Started

There are two ways to get started with essential oils. We can provide you with a free consult and ongoing support to ensure you understand dilution, correct usage and best ways to use your oils. We also gift you with a free Wild Orange oil and a goodie bag, as well as a free subscription to the Essential Oil App ‘Droplii’, to help you learn all about using your oils.

1. Buy a Starter Kit & get a free 12 wholesale membership

  • Save an average of $210 by purchasing a Starter Kit.

  • Included is a free wholesale membership worth $35.

  • Access to wholesale pricing for 12 months, with option to renew.

  • No minimum spend, no ongoing commitment

  • Products are shipped directly to you.

  • Check out the Starter Kits here.

  • Follow these steps if you get stuck, but we welcome you to get in touch with us before ordering so that we can ensure you get the best kit suited for you as well as let you know of the monthly promotions.

2. Buy a wholesale membership ($35) and choose your oils individually

  • Save 25-55% off your products. Check out the price list here.

  • No minimum spend, no ongoing commitment and your account gives you access to wholesale pricing for 12 months.

  • Products are shipped directly to you.

  • Follow these steps if you get stuck, but we welcome you to get in touch with us before ordering so that we can ensure you get the best kit suited for you as well as let you know of the monthly promotions.